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IF EVOLUTION IS TAKEN TO MEAN that creatures can vary and that similarities can prove relationship, then evolution is true and the case is closed. But that is not what evolution is. It is the ascent of atoms into every manner of creature employing nothing but materialistic means. It is a mistake to use extrapolation to prove that there is no limit to how much creatures can vary because they can be observed to vary a little. It is also false to assume that two things showing similar features proves they are ancestrally related. The alternative explanation of origins, intelligent design (creationism), does not prevent creatures from varying in response to the environment, nor does it deny that similarity can mean relationship.

If evolution is true, all of nature must be explicable in terms of environmental pressures. But nature abounds with intricate and unexplained variety that has nothing to do with the environment. There are traits and features everywhere that seem to have no function, let alone exist because nature demanded (selected) them. Nowhere can there be found a detailed and cogent explanation, complete with all incremental steps, for any of what follows.

  • Color—If evolution is a logical sort of thing, then everything must be explained by it with no contradictions. But astounding camouflage and mimicry throughout the animal kingdom exist side by side with creatures that survive just as well without such features. Why would nature go to the bother? Further, if nature has the ability to make ornate coloration in a creature, why not go all the way? For example, the Scarlet KingSnake supposedly evolved to look like the venomous Coral Snake. Why do that rather than develop venom? How can evolution explain creatures that evolved to blend in with the forest (such as the walking stick), while explaining the Blue Jay and the Cardinal sticking out like a sore thumb in the same forest?

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